Prof. Alexei Likhtman "Relaxation of surface tension and dynamic contact angle in simple liquids"
University of Reading, UK
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Oct 07, 2015 from 02:15 PM to 03:00 PM |
Where | Seminarraum A, FMF, Stefan-Meier-Str. 21, Freiburg |
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I will review our recent joint work with Alex Lukyanov on molecular dynamics simulations of solid/liquid and liguid/gas interfaces in simple Lennard-Jones liquids or short polymer molecules. We show the following results: 1) The relaxation of surface tension in liquid/gas interfaces is almost instantaneous, contrary to several theories, and the thickness of interfacial layer is of order of atom diameter, even for polymeric chains. 2) In solid/liqid interfaces, the situation is quite similar, and therefore dynamic contact angle can not be explained by the surface tension relaxation. 3) In contrast, the dynamic contact angle in homogeneous liquids can be fully explained by non-linear friction with the substrate.
Alex V. Lukyanov* and Alexei E. Likhtman, Langmuir 2013, 29, 13996-14000.
A. V. Lukyanov and A. E. Likhtman, J. Chem. Phys. 138, 034712 (2013)
invited by Maxim Dolgushev